I got quite a lot of positive comments on this palmtree jacket I’m wearing right now. I already showed bits of it during a quite personal post of last week – feeling super happy with the great comments and I feel so not alone anymore when it comes to this subject. But hey, let’s go back to this amazing jacket you’ll see me wearing a lot this summer. It’s made by the label A.la who are producing beautiful pieces they find during their trips around Asia. Like this jacket has been handmade by a man from India an there’re are only made around 150 pieces of it – so quite a unique piece. Items that are made under the right circumstances is something that has been on my mind more lately and I think fair fashion has the future.
Oh, and this is also part 2 of the bumbag style challenge and I’m quite curious to hear what you think of it. Share your thoughts!
A.la palmtree jacket / Vintage wide black trousers / Converse leather burgundy sneakers
T by Alexander Wang grey t-shirt / Vintage bumbag / Unknown black round sunglasses