nike pro hyperwarm hoodie

Yes, its January which means we’re all busy with our new heatlhy year’s intentions – including me. But most of the years these intentions only lasted for a few weeks/months and I made a green smoothie once in a while.

This time I already started in Mid November with working out at my local Crossfit box which has really changed my view on working out. It’s so motivating to work hard (really hard! I’ve got muscle pain almost 24/7) to see your own process and get inspired by the people I work out with. And in the end it’s not all about the physical appearance that may be changing but it’s about your entire mindset. Of course there’s still so much to learn and to do – like learning more about my body and nutrition.

nike pro hyperwarm hoodie

I’m wearing Nike Pro hoodie + Nike Zoom Structure sneakers (via JD sports) / On the rack Jogha floral tight + black reversible jacket (get 20% at Jogha.com with the code JUSTLIKESUSHI until the 31st of January) & F21 sports bra


This time I’m working so much harder every week – stopping is never an option right now!
I started almost two months ago and I’m still loving it – it’s now part of my weekly routine!
It’s not about losing weight but getting fit – mentally this changed so much and how I working on this journey. Instead of looking at the scale I’m looking at the weights I’m lifting or how much faster I am.
I work out more – instead of once a week/two weeks I’m working out 2/3 a week at my crossfit box and I would love to add more sessions at my local gym
I got fresh new work out gear – because I’m investing more time in working out I thought it would be nice to add new additions to my sportswear collection. If I’m working out, I’m doing it in style!
– Inspiring others – I’m FitGirlCode‘s new ammbassador which means once a month I’ll share my fit journey and the first one is up today. Quite personal but I’m happy to share my story to inspire others!

And, don’t forget to keep an eye on my blog tomorrow because there’ll be a
new giveaway with one of the items from this post. Can you guess what?