coffee, how to make the best out of your weekend -

All though I don’t have a 9 to 5 job and I’m quite free to full in my working days and weekends I still love to make the best out of my weekend. It’s the perfect moment to have some quality time with my boyfriend and loved ones and energize myself for the upcoming week.
From my own experience I know the weekends are filled with temptations and that’s why this list is not only for you guys but also as a reminder for myself. And if you have your owns tips of making the best of your weekend…please share them in the comments below. For now I’m going to enjoy my weekend and I hope you’ll do that too.

Wake up early / It’s tempting to sleep in on the weekend and stay in your bed until noon. If you really want to make the best out of weekend it’s better to wake up early which means you have more hours to enjoy your days off. Maybe you need to get some chores of your list and with those extra hours you can do them in the early morning and enjoy the rest of the day to the fullest.

Time to cook / After a hard day of work it can be quite challenging to cook a proper meal during the working days. Most of the time it can become something easy and not so inspiring dinner. The weekend is the perfect time to make more effort of your dinner and experiment here and there.

Learn to say no / Yes, the weekends are full of temptations and saying yes to everything is one of them. Meeting with your in-laws! Having lunch with some friends! Going to that baby-shower! Or that birthday! Offering to help a friend with moving! When you say too much yes to everybody around you never will have that ultimate relaxing weekend and only go live your weekends for others. Learning to say no in general is quite hard – so try to learn is step by step and I know you’ll feel better

Work out / While your squeezing your work-outs during the week before and after your work, in the weekend you can make time to enjoy a longer work-out or a longer run to get fit. Working out also gives you so much energy afterwards so I would advice to do it in the early morning and take the benefits of it to the rest of the day.

Moderate with alcohol / For a lot of people the weekend means going out and drink a bottle or glass alcohol here and there. While it’s not that good for your healthy, it’s also can destroy the rest of your weekend due to that annoying hang-over. As we all know alcohol dries you out  it’s good to mix your drinks with enough water. Lately I truly love to drink only water and dance at the same time which means I just have an extra work-out moment.

images by emmajanekepley