Through the years it became one of those traditions which I can’t stop holding on to. Every summer, my boyfriend and I book a 2-day spa to relax, enjoy the lovely weather and swim all day long. Some go to the same festival every year and others just like to do absolutely nothing for 48 hours #oops. Life and work can be hectic and it’s good to give your body and mind some rest once in a while. And not to forget, a few days without my Macbook, limited amount of internet and my phone makes it all so relaxed. On this Sunday I’m sharing a few reasons why YOU need to book a 2-day spa right away too…

Me-time / Again, your body is your most important thing you own and taking good care of is THE essentials in life. So, no matter what, how busy you are – book a spa for a day, or two, can be the cure for everything.

Offline is the new luxury / Besides the great pools, sauna and other treatments I truly loved being offline a bit and not think about if I didn’t post something online or not. Living in the presence, surrounding by the one you love and only thinking about in which pool to dive into makes it so relaxed.

A good skin / Stress, not eating that healthy and not taking care of your skin through the week can cause some bad skin. After being 48 hours at a spa I can really say my skin has been in the best condition ever. Thanks to the several pools and getting my skin scrubbed with salt everyday gave me a super soft skin.

Time to think / Sometimes we ignore our thoughts because of the hassle, hectic days and other things that keeps us busy. Being surrounded by silence, only relaxation and the good things in life can give you space in your head to think about things in life. What your goals are, dreams in life and what’s important for you!

You deserve it / Really, you do!