It’s been a while I showed you my monthly favorite 5 blog crushes here – it’s about time to really use my editorial calendar. Because I’m so busy lately it’s not always easy to find new blogs that truly inspire me and showcase something new. But again, all these blogs in this post have something unique and make the internet more fun.

1. FRAMBOISE FASHION / You’ll fall in love with Sarah right away when you check out her blog and all her stunning shoots all over beautiful London. This Danish/Australian girl has the cute factor all over her and with a likeable attitude and the camera who loves her I can’t stop check out her blog. And besides this all I just like her down-to-earth style going from lady-chic to all the way sporty.

2. STYLEDEVIL / Marianne, coming from Oslo, Norway is one of the best (street style) photographers and keeps me inspiring with her edgy style combined with her super cool tattoos. I love to see she isn’t the typical girl-next-blogger and showcases it’s great to be unique and make fashion something to have fun with.

3. ALL ESSENTIALS / Actually you can’t define this really as a blog but more as an inspiring platform who’s driven by their motto: identify the essential, eliminate the rest. After all the new items, new collection and having the latest fashion items it’s so relieving to have a place on the internet where they concentrate only on the essentials of life. A must follow!

4. WE-HEART-FASHION / Two stunning sisters, Kim and Kelly, running a blog for just more than a year and being successful like crazy. They worked on several collaborations, won the Newcomer Zalando Award and their blog keeps growing and growing. With Kelly mostly running the blog and Kim working as a succesful model makes this blog fun to follow. I got to know them a bit better because I worked on the IT’S WEEKEND Fashion Chat together with Kelly. It’s was so much fun and we can’t wait to start working on new things…

5. KIRILOVE / Isn’t there a picture of this stunning model/presenter/entrepreneur/blogger and street style star without the best smile I’ve ever seen. Tiany is the coolest mom of two in town who runs Belmodo.tv in Belgium and flies all over the world to spread her love for fashion. I was happy to work with her on a video for Philips and so much so much fun to work with. Besides this all the is a huge inspiration when it comes to becoming a super confident women who runs the world. Oh, and don’t forget to check out her on instagram too!