The digital world we’re living in encourages us to be outgoing all the time, super social and to be extrovert 24/7. So it’s not always easy to be a bit more reserved nowadays. From a very young age you could definitely say I’m an introvert and through the years I learned to embrace it. And most of all, I finally don’t see it as something negative but as something special which it’s part of my personality – whether you like it or not ;)…

To give a tribute to all the introverts around us and (on the other side) to show extroverts how we think I selected a few of my confessions as an introvert. You may recognize some of them or you’ll get to know me a bit better.  Of course I’m quite curious to hear if you’re more an introvert of an extrovert and what’s one of your confessions? Yes, let’s get real!

1. I can’t stand the reputation of the ‘introvert’ / a lot of times an introvert is a synonym for being shy, nerdy, awkward and an outsider. In reality this so not true and I personally see an introvert as somebody who’s selective about the people who he or she surrounded with and values quality over quantity. Not weird about it!

2. The Observer / Because I’m more the quiet and reserved person in a group it allows me so much time to observe others. I see your fake smile, your awkwardness and may can tell you just lied to that person. I hear you repeat the same exact joke to every single person you run into or exaggerate that same old story over and over again. Yes, I’m onto you, extrovert ;). Being the observer is also the perfect quality for me as being a freelance photo/videographer – capturing those beautiful daily moments nobody sees.

3. I think a lot – sometimes too much / This part of being an introvert has a positive and negative side. Thinking a lot when it comes to creative projects is for me a gift because it results into great things and sometimes even above my own expectations. But on the other side I can over-think daily things in life and sometimes it blocks my mind of acting ‘normal’. Even a weird or stupid comment from my side can haunt me the rest of the week.

4. Quality above quantity / I never had a big group of friends around me and I mostly sticked to a maximum of five. In the past I experienced this as something super negative but the last few years I recognized this more as just being picky about the people I like to be surrounded with. Recently I read this quote and it’s so true: “the funny fact about introverts is once they feel comfortable with you, they can be the funniest, most enjoyable people to be around. It’s like a secret they feel comfortable sharing with you – except the secret is their personality.”

5. Small talks. Just not my cup of tea / Talking in the sake of being nice, keep the conversation going or to avoid awkward situations is so not for me. I always thought I was my fault of not being able to get the conversation going but in the end it always has two sides. Nowadays I decide not to participate in these small talks and let the conversation go naturally,  being awkward or not – the best decision ever!

wearing A la palmtree jacket